Why walking barefoot is healthy?

The summertime offers us an excellent opportunity to practice barefoot walking.

In ancient times and in some parts of the world until now, walking barefoot is the normal way of life.

In the recent decade, barefoot walking has re-emerged in Western culture as a well-researched practice with recognized health benefits.

From the mechanical point of view, walking barefoot restores our natural walking pattern, improves balance, helps regain natural mechanics of the leg joints, and improves core posture, including the vertebral column.

Shoeless walking pattern changes the biomechanical parameters of the gait and body posture resulting in reduced step length, increased step cadence, and increased sensory feedback from the ground-foot contact. It also shows benefits in preventing injuries of the lower extremities.

Barefoot walking in the dewy grass was one of the typical recommendations of the famous naturopath Sebastian Kneipp. He often advised patients to walk barefoot outdoors in nature, preferably in moistened conditions. The contribution of water while barefoot walking (e.g., on the beach or after rain) should increase electrical conductivity which permits more effective grounding.

This suggests another important effect of walking shoeless: direct contact with the Earth causing the “earthing” effect.

Emerging evidence shows that direct contact with the Earth may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, inflammation, pain, poor sleep, and many common health disorders, including cardiovascular disease. (Chevalier et al., 2012)

EARTHING is a complementary healing technique that allows the free electrons on the Earth’s surface to work as antioxidative agents reducing different pathological conditions in the human body. Earthing is practiced by walking barefoot, lying or sleeping on the ground with poor insulation, or with special grounding pads, which create an electrical connection between the body and Earth.

EARTHING (also known as grounding) refers to the discovery that a direct body-earth connection enables free electrons to flow from the Earth to the body. It is suggested that free electrons act as antioxidants neutralizing the positively charged free radicals that are the hallmark of chronic inflammation.

Research suggests that bodily contact with the Earth’s natural electric charge stabilizes physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep, and generates greater well-being.

The summertime offers us an excellent opportunity to practice barefoot walking.

We can benefit not only from its impact on healthy gait and body posture but also from the inflammation-reducing and overall restorative effect of direct contact with the Earth.

For more information about the health benefits of Earthing and Barefoot walking (scientific references included), please go to the “Applied techniques” section => Earthing (Barefoot walking).

Do you like to experience the benefits of barefoot walking? Be welcome to our Mehana programs!

posted on Aug 14th, 2024

Author: Kristina Höschlová