Dance and Music

Why we include art in our health-sustaining and illness-preventing programs?

The relationship between the creative arts and favourable health outcome is well known. Some studies demonstrated that the art-based interventions including e.g., music, dance, visual art and creative writing, enhance health status and reduce adverse physiological and psychological outcomes. The engagement in art induces pleasurable feelings. Pleasing feelings are related to higher blood levels of the “anti-stress” and “pro-immune” neurotransmitters, such as serotonine, dopamine, endorphins and oxytocine. 

This is why the art (e.g., dance and music) is included in the concept of the Mehana Institute.


During the Mehana Gift program dated on November 23-29, 2022 you will have an excellent opportunity to meet our experienced lecturers – artists, such as the martial artist Tom Hora or professional dancers Jana Bagarova and Victoria Conalas.


Author Kristina Höschlová
