What the medical authorities say about us?

Thomas R Verny MD, DPsych, DHL (Hon), FRCPC, FAPA

„I truly admire the work of this center.“

says Dr.Thomas R Verny, MD, a Canadian psychiatrist and neuroscientist, author of 8 books, including The Embodied Mind and The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, which has been published in 27 countries.

„Although I have not had the pleasure to attend any of the Mehana Institute’s offerings, I really wish I could.
They  provide a cornucopia of healing lectures and workshops with a strong emphasis on complementary and integrative medicine under the guidance of experienced medical professionals.
I totally support their holistic approach to health and encouraging participants to trust the healing capacity of their minds.
Both, professionals and non-professionals will benefit from learning about different non-invasive and non-pharmacological self-diagnostic and treatment methods.
I truly admire the work of this center.