In the recent decade, barefoot walking has re-emerged in Western culture as a well-researched practice with recognized health benefits.
Regular breathwork several weeks prior to ascent and during the days of high-altitude exposure can accelerate the acclimatization process and prevent onset of the acute mountain sickness.
Plants don’t carry only active chemical substances with medicinal properties, they contain much more information as other living forms do.
Plants growing in harsh wild environments develop a stronger immune system compared to “spoiled” bedding monocultures.
Medication can help, but the healing occurs from within. The more we ignore the inner healing potential of our body and mind, the longer the healing will take.
Frankincense is the most important resinous medicine ever described.
In general, resin represents an immune system of a tree. The more demanding the natural environment, the higher the medicinal value of the plants.
Physical suffering shouldn’t be misinterpreted as a punishment, but more as an assignment. We often do not choose it; however, we choose how to cope with it.
Our body possesses an exceptional capacity to repair, restore, and recover on a daily basis.
Regular intake of extra virgin olive oil is associated with increased life expectancy and a reduced risk of the development of chronic diseases.
Why appreciating NATURE and ART is healing?
Observing nature and learning about nature is healing by itself. Why so?
How to identify your personal strengths and apply them to actions that cause wellbeing of oneself and others.
Are these food additives or fear that kill our health?
“Positive psychological attributes, such as gratitude, play a critical role in improving cardiovascular health outcomes. Gratitude not only enhances psychological, and physical well-being but may also alter biomarkers of risk for cardiovascular disease.”
Paracelsus:“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician.“
Highly positive emotional qualities, such as GRATITUDE, APPRECIATION, NON-JUDGEMENT, COMPASSION and FORGIVENESS contribute to the Heart Coherence and, consequently, to the healthy functioning of the whole organism.
How our experiences and emotions transcript in the cellular memory and genetic information of our bodies
Singing and dance are a part of every culture and have long been regarded as contributing to good health.
Do you want to break stereotypes? Do something unhabitual from time to time! Play like a kid!
Passage from Kristina’s book Doctor between the Desert and the Mines
Since time immemorial, plants have been used for healing and herbal medicine has made up part of every medicinal tradition all over the world. It is possible that significance of herbal medicine will be reappraised in the near future.
Lavender is a beautiful fragrant plant with multiple health benefits. It is an important representative within the herbal medicine.
Groucho Marx: “A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast.”
Melodious music has multiple beneficial effects on human’s health.
In recent years, researchers increasingly focus on the benefits of breathing exercises and its significant health potential. Conscious breathing practice intended to achieve specific health goals is mostly represented in the eastern medicinal traditions, which include different movement-contemplative exercises, such as yoga, qi gong or tai chi.
Did you know that during breathing, airflow in one nostril is stronger than in the other one and this condition oscillates during the day periodically?
How kind and loving thoughts can alternate individual’s mental and physical health
Yin Yoga is a restorative slow-paced exercise focused on the body’s connective tissues.
Acupressure is an ancient healing technique originated in China approximately 4000 years ago.
Human touch has large health sustaining effects. The 2021 Nobel Prize has been awarded for new discoveries of neuro-receptors for touch and temperature.
Why we include art in our health-sustaining and illness-preventing programs?
What is Qi Gong? Read more about the health benefits of qi gong exercise